Jan 11, 2013

Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

So I've decided to be totally transparent on this blog.. so that's your warning if you don't want to know the intimate details of our journey to have our baby... Here we go. 
I want to first of all recap on what our journey has entailed thus far. 
  • It all started in April of 2009 when Dru and I decided to ditch the contraception methods and let the Lord do His thing. 
  • So we just kinda did our thing and just didn't prevent ourselves from becoming pregnant. 
  • In December of 2010 for Christmas Dru told me that he really wanted to "try" to have a baby. Seriously, the BEST gift I could have ever wished for at Christmas. (Side note - I've wanted a baby since I was like 10, no really, I've always dreamed of being a mommy!)
  • So after those months of trying, but not really "trying", we decided to go ahead and go the doc to get the ball rollin'.
  • Jan. 2011 - First doc appointment - let the blood tests begin! 
  • Feb. 2011 - hormone testing - progesterone, amongst other things were tested. 
  • All of my hormone testing came back totally normal. 
  • We continued to try to conceive until we went back to the doctor that summer. Doc said next step would be an HSG test. 
  • He administered the HSG test Nov. 2011, everything was normal, imagine that! 
  • So, we were hopeful that it might have opened up the way, and help us get pregnant. (Or not!)
  • Next... we tried for another 7 months with no luck. 
  • Doc said next step was a exploratory laparoscopic  surgery. My fab doc, in a very kind way, said that there is only about 15% chance that he would find anything to remove. I was so very hopeful that he would need to remove something that was causing us not to be able to get pregnant. 
  • Well... he actually did find stuff... a good bit actually... endometriosis (very little), scar tissue, about 5 or 6 cysts. This was GREAT NEWS.... but....
  • We are still not pregnant and it's been almost 7 months since that surgery. Granted I've been sick a good bit, but still we hoped for good results after removing all that yucky stuff :) 
  • Jan. 7th, 2013 we had another appt with the Doc! That's when he explained to us that he was referring us to a specialist in Montgomery. 
  • I actually received a call yesterday and we have an appt set up for Thursday, at 10:00 a.m.
  • We are very hopeful and interested to see how this part of our journey is going to unfold. 
And.... there you have it! 
More to come soon! 
Thanks for reading :) 

1 comment:

  1. It can be so difficult to put this kind of personal information out there for anyone to see, but I find it to be so therapeutic. I hope that you find answers and get your miracle soon. I will continue to follow your journey!



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