Feb 2, 2011

Long time, no writing...

The Birkeland home has been a little crazy here lately, (which makes me think.. what in the world will it be like with little ones??) plus I just have been lazy when it comes to blogging EVERYTHING that is going on. Maybe one day, I'll be better at this whole "blog thing"....

Quick update: We PAID OFF the LEXUS.... YAY! The Birkelands are officially debt FREE! Not for long though because... We are looking for a house :)

We actually have found a house (on Cary Drive in Auburn), but we are still in the process of saving for a down payment because paying off the Lexus totally wiped out our savings, but whatev, we had to do it!

A new semester of small groups started this week. Dru and I have decided to lead separate groups, which is a first for us. I am leading a small group for college girls called Heart Talk. The plan is to meet tomorrow night and brainstorm ideas of topics they would to discuss over the course of the semester. I am very excited and expectant of the Lord is going to do in us and thru us over the next few months. Dru is going to lead a tennis small group for guys on Thursdays at 3:00. He's very pumped to get a little competitive and have some fun his boys!

Wedding festivities begin this weekend... I can't believe my sister is getting married on March 12! She's not old enough :) Who am I kidding? She's been mature since she was 12. We have a shower every weekend this month and two on two of the weekends. It's going to be an insane month and a half. I am throwing her a shower the 11th, a lingerie shower that is... WHOO WHOO!!
Well I guess that's all I can come up with for now.

Oh and I think I'm going to start adding what book I'm reading when I update the blog. Right now I'm reading a book called, Bittersweet and it was fabulous. Next on the list is Wild At Heart or 90 Minutes on Heaven. Can't decide.

Happy Wednesday....

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Kailey I miss you!!

    I can't believe your sister is getting married either! That's so exciting!

    Before you know it... somebody's gonna be having babay!! haha


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