Feb 21, 2013

IUI #1

Well, IUI #1 is a bust. George definitely is at the beginning stage of ruining the next week of my life. I knew it was smart of me to not test, I couldn't bare to see the negative results again. I was definitely hopeful, but just had a feeling that it wasn't going to work. I honestly don't know why it's so difficult for me to believe it is actually going to happen one day. 
I was reassured by a sweet friend of mine, that it just might take a couple of times to finally stick. I will say, that I'm looking forward to what my RE says we will do for this next cycle. 


In the meantime, I will distract myself with changing my reading groups up and looking over data. Oh, the life of a teacher, always something to do. 

P.S. Would appreciate as many prayers as possible. My period has been oh so painful since November. I have to take meds during it to make it bearable. I need peace and I need to know that the Lord hears me. I know He does, good gracious, but sometimes, I just kinda feel like I've prayed the same stuff over and over again for 3 years. 

Much love to you awesome people who keep up with my crazy self on this crazy blog. 



  1. Sending lots of prayers, Kailey. I too know that feeling of wondering if it will ever really happen. Trust in God and pray for yourself as we'll as your doctors and nurses that are helping you. I do hope that George is nice and you can get started cycling again soon.

  2. Praying for you. I'm sorry IUI didn't work.

  3. I'll pray that the second iui brings two babies! :)

  4. Sorry to hear that. You're definitely in my prayers!

  5. Psalm 91:4 says in Him you'll find refuge. Praying for peace, sweet friend. I have faith that God has really amazing things in store for you.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that George is on his way :( A lady in my fertility support group told me last week when I had mine not to get discouraged if the first one doesn't work, IUI's are about repetition. I started thinking about that and it really made me feel better, so hopefully it does the same for you. You're in my prayers!

  7. Terribly sorry to hear George has arrived for you. I have to take prescription pain killers when mine is here too and it really sucks. Sending you tons of positive energy for a less painful experience this time.


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