Apr 2, 2013

Let Hope In.

A sweet friend of mine sent both of these videos to me last week. Wow. That's all I can say. I've listened to it over over and over again. The first video is the actual song, the second video is the story behind the song. 

The couple that wrote the song are "friends of a friend" and I am so very excited about sharing this song with others. 

Yes, we all know that this song speaks to me because of what I'm going through, but this can apply to ANY thing that you are believing God for. The Lord wants you to HOPE with all your heart and to lean on Him. He is going to pull us through to the the other side! Psalm 37:4 is my favorite verse and I will continue to meditate on it and believe it. The Lord did not give the desire to me to have children to not bless me with them. I am choosing to LET HOPE IN! That's all He is asking me to do....(and YOU!!!) 

Have a great night :)


  1. Hey Kailey,
    I just tried to comment and then wiped it clean. So if you get two from me, so sorry. You've been on my heart lately. I'm not sure if it is from reading your pins on Pinterest or prompting from Him, but either way I wanted to let you know. I've been reading a bit of your journey tonight and tearing up. I am thinking and praying for you guys. I can't imagine what you're going through and I am standing with you in belief and in hope. Love ya girly.

    Jami Davis

    1. Hey Jami!
      It probably was a little bit of both :) I love me some pinterest! :) Thank you so much for reading and catching up on what's been going on with us. But, most of all, thanks for the prayers. We need all the wisdom and patience possible! :)

  2. You know I LOVE This. Addicted ;)

  3. This is a great song, so calming! I'm glad you shared this with us! :)


Thank you so much for your comment.... I seriously love to read them, they make my day! Much love to you!


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